Saturday, October 25, 2008

Book Availability

A Soldiers Mask is now available at Gambo Pharmacy and The Bookworm in the Gander Mall, and online at

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I. Morgan, (St. John's, NL) wrote:

"Your personality and your passion shone from every page. I think more people should do what you did, if only for the benefit of family members and friends. Your experiences and your knowledge – often hard-won, as anyone who has read your book soon learns – are of immense value for anyone following in your footsteps."

L. de Leon, (St. John's, NL) wrote:

"I am so very proud of you for your service to your country, your commitment to justice and your courage to work to make things better for others. I really enjoyed reading your story, although a bit saddened by all that you endured.

These life experiences may well be pointing you toward a career in politics. Keep the faith and continue to pursue that dream."

A. Menchion, (Corner Brook, NL) wrote:

"Finished the book and loved it. It really makes you wonder why the government doesn't treat our Armed Services better."

E. Budgell (Montreal, PQ) wrote:

"First of all, I want to say thank you for writing your book. Now, after reading it, I feel I know you as a person. Your book made me feel close to your family and to my brother who spent all his life in the Armed Forces. He also got sick while in the army and was released with not enough money to live on or any help. Now I would like to tell you that reading your book made me CRY, LAUGH, and most of all, feel some of what you must have lived. I just can't wait until your next book comes out, so put my name down on your list (first served). My prayers are with you and yours, may God bless you. You are a great writer!"

E. Collins (Fort McMurray, AB) wrote:

"Wow Rob. This is a great read. Knowing you personally, it's hard to imagine you putting up with some of the stuff you did. I remember you as the soft spoken, trying to be fierce cadet from days gone by. All in all, I loved the book and would recommend it to anyone. Very well done."

S. Brown-Boyd (Gander, NL) wrote:

"It was very informative and gives a whole new perspective of the life of a Soldier. I can't even imagine living through the hardships that you had to face and must be re-living every day!! Those of us who are on the outside, have no idea of the trials and tribulations a Soldier must face...Congratulations on the sucess of your book!! It was very touching."

L. Green (Gambo, NL) wrote:

"I really enjoyed reading your book. I did not enjoy what you had to go through but certainly could relate to a lot of it. I had to see a psychologist myself for two years and also suffer from chronic pain. I also have a heart condition that may be related to medications, so I understand your medical issues. I wish you luck with your next book and with your positive attitude in spite of all your frustrations I know you will have another success. Good luck and God bless."

F. Cuff (Bonavista, NL) wrote:

"I completed your book some time ago and found it to be a very powerful read. The things that go on behind the scenes within the military doesn't surprise me but on ocassion as I progressed through the book my jaw dropped. It has raised some concerns in my mind because I have a young nephew who joined the Army a couple of years ago. I have talked to him a couple of times and so far so good! He appears to have not experienced any of the nightmares you did when first getting enrolled. I am going to send your book to an Admiral in Ottawa. He will, I'm sure, be very interested in what you wrote. I also spoke with a very close friend of mine in Nova Scotia who was a drill Sergeant in the PPCLI. He told me all you wrote was fact and he said it was about time someone exposed the tactics the Army use to use in their training years ago."

H. Dickens (Flin Flon, MB) wrote:

"I had similiar experiences with the Canadian Forces, both when I was enlisted and also when I was a spouse. So many things that were written are true and much more of what you wrote really opened my eyes. I wish there was more that can done for them (veterans and soldiers) and vets to come, but I won't hesitate to say our government's past and present have managed to keep a pretty tight lid on issues they don't want the public to know about. I feel this book may actually open the public's eyes to what their government is and isn't doing to support the troops."

J. Janes (Glovertown/Traytown, NL) wrote:

"A great read. Very descriptive & interesting. It really sheds a light on what our men and women in uniform have to go through. I have a nephew serving in Afganistan who is only a Private and your book gave me a true understanding of just what you soldiers have to endure from the day you arrive at boot camp onward. I have sent a copy of your book to my brother who is a Chief in the Navy. I recommend this read to all my friends. A book you should be proud of and you have come along way. You must be a very strong person."

P. MacDonald (St. John's, NL) wrote:

"I usually read the first few pages and then skip to the end to see what happens. I could not do that with this book, every page had something interesting to read! I really, really, REALLY liked this book!"

S. Stockley (Cold Lake, AB) wrote:

"Just finished your book last night, great read. I am so sorry for the misfortune you have experienced. I know you from growing up playing basketball, you had a spirit that I thought no one could penatrate. You are strong, if anyone can get on top again I know its you! Never surrender, never give up!! All my friends are in line to read your book."

H. Pardy (Goose Bay, NL) wrote:

"Starts off a little slow, but increases interest, as you read along. All in all, a real good read. I really enjoyed it. I think partly because of my family connection. Gives a real good account of the goings on in the Military, things that most people would never know. I recommend the book to anyone."

T. MacMaster (Troy, NS) wrote:

"First off, I LOVED IT!!!!! What a rollercoaster of emotions the read was. As I read I found myself laughing out loud at some parts, wanting to scream with anger and frustration over the mistreatment of yourself and other soldiers like you,and I was on the verge of tears as I read some of the hardship caused to your marriage and family. And then when I finished "A Soldiers Mask" I knew how truly blessed I am to be able to call you my friend. Although this story is about your life in the Canadian Forces, the situations that occured can and have at times carried over to just about any work place environment. If there is one thing that I hope your readers will take from "A Soldiers Mask" is that the actions of one individual can have a ripple effect that affects many. That is true for both a positive action as well as a negative action."

C. Hogue (Ottawa, ON) wrote:

"One word - EXCELLENT! And so touching and true, I can't wait for your next book."

J. Bauman (Bon Accord, AB) wrote:

"The book was great! I thought that it really brought us into your heart and mind of the moment!! It was written really well for a first book and very inspiring!"

Cory Hurley of the Western Star (Corner Brook, NL) wrote:

"Living a life in which he felt compelled to “wear a mask” to hide his displeasures, he ultimately found himself under the care of medical professionals for treatment of Major Depression and the stroke that resulted. A written collection of his memories was a recommendation to help with the road to recovery — some 18 chapters and 242 pages later, he felt he had the makings of a novel."

P. Hrysak (Shoal Lake, MB) wrote:

"It's kind of odd that even though I only spent 2 summers at Greenwood I can relate to what you wrote."

N. Hrysak (Shoal Lake, MB) wrote:


B. Brentnall (Hillview, NL)

"I can associate Robin's feelings in it to things I have had to do at my own worksite...I think everyone can readily agree that there are times in our lives when we all have to wear something like a "soldiers mask"...I found it a very good read."

D. Quinton (Toronto, ON)

"I am saddened to see how our military men and women are treated who put themselves before us. I think I have worn that mask on occasion. It is amazing to see how God has directed your path. Your wife and daughter are truly blessed."

K. Keough (Appleton, NL)

"I started the book and I could not put it down until it was finished. When I put the book down to take a break for a few minutes all I thought about was getting back to the book to see what happens next. It was a great read. I am a military wife and I think because of that, I could really relate to some of the situations you found yourself in because my family has also been in a few adventures of our own. Thanks for writing this book. It truly shows some of the frustrations that military families go through."

J. Brentnall (Fort McMurray, AB) wrote:

"I just finished my brother's book last night, and it was in my opinion a great read for a civilian who has family in the military. It certainly confirms my statement that military life is not for everyone. Not to bash the military way of life by no means. Every country needs their military forces, and we are proud of them. The book gave me an insight on the daily tasks of a Clerk in the Armed Forces. I knew my brother chose this profession, but the details of his work we never really discussed. Rob and I were always more interested in talking about golf, or just shooting the breeze about everyday events. After reading his book, I can certainly say I'm proud of who my brother is, and what he stands for in life. I've always been proud of him. I can remember calling him when I joined the High School basketball team, the same team he played with years before me, with the news that I was wearing his number 3basketball jersey. Most of the people I know would have quit the military a hundred times, having to endure some of these situations. Rob has always been strong minded, and stood up for his beliefs. I was with him on his first day of physiotherapy, when he had to learn to walk again. I walked with him his first steps after having his stroke. I felt proud to be by his side, because I knew he would be there for me anytime. The rate of recovery from his stroke has always amazed me. But I also knew if anyone could beat this, it would be Rob. I'm very proud of my brother, and his courage to tell his story."


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